Enterprise 2.0, 0, Buy Revenues, 1

January 4, 2009

Last year, I called attention to the silliness of the Enterprise 2.0 fabrication. Companies are having a tough time remaining viable Enterprise 1.0 outfits. Even the GOOG nuked thousands of rental wizards. If the likes of Yahoo can’t trim its sails as an Enterprise 1.0 operation, it may not have much of a chance to make it beyond Enterprise 1.5. I read with interest “2009: Enterprise 2.0 – Innovate through Acquisition?” here as a clear signal that there is not such thing as Enterprise 2.0. Sure, consultants, including some azure chipped outfits not able to make to the blue chip consulting category, can assert that Enterprise 2.0 is the next big thing. But assertions from consultants are manifestations of the Batista Madoff syndrome. Mike Gotta’s revelation is that big computer and software companies should look at smaller, more innovative companies, then buy some. Yep, that’s the fate of Enterprise 2.0. Acquire. Who should be doing the acquiring? Big companies that are the very Enterprise 1.0 operations that are struggling to grow and meet their financial targets. I think Mr. Gotta has identified some interesting companies. My problem is that the notion that a company can become an Enterprise 2.0 via acquisition is evidence that there is no such thing as Enterprise 2.0. Oh, one more thing: I think the acquisition path will not work. An old business model in the present financial climate may not work as advertised.

Stephen Arnold, January 4, 2009


One Response to “Enterprise 2.0, 0, Buy Revenues, 1”

  1. Wiertz sebastien on January 4th, 2009 6:57 am

    Completly agree with your view.

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