Mobile Search

January 4, 2009

One of the ZDnet Web logs presents snippets of data. I read “Top US Web Sites Accessed over Mobile Phones in October 2008” here. I then went back to the chart and looked at the data more carefully. What did I overlook in my first scan? The combined traffic of Google Search, Gmail, and Google Maps was twice that of the number one most used mobile site–Yahoo. So what? In my addled goose brain, the dominance of Google in mobile is moving toward the same “game over” type of market share Google has in Web search. Who is going to knock off the GOOG. Yahoo? I am not sure what Yahoo will be doing. Microsoft? Again, I am in the dark. I have given up trying to figure out who is in charge of search. The revolving door spins too quickly for me. AOL? Snort, snort. Weather, sports, news? Nope, the GOOG has nifty technology to make its traditional offerings more interesting by creating its own information. Maybe I am reading this Nielsen data incorrectly? If I am, let me know.

Stephen Arnold, January 4, 2009


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