Aster Data: $12 Million More in Funding

January 16, 2009

Aster Data is one of those companies that interests me. Although not directly in the search and content processing sector, the company’s technology has significant implications for organization struggling with petascale data flows. On January 13, 2009, the company announced here that it has raised an additional $12 million in Series B funding. The Aster technology, based on my analyses, is Googley. In my 2005 study The Google Legacy, I pointed out that Google’s engineering would influence other companies. In short, I argued, whether Google succeeded or failed, the Google legacy would be to make it easier for other innovators to build on the Google learnings and examples. (You can order a copy of The Google Legacy here. Its content is germane today because Google’s recent moves are anticipated and their effects described in this 2005 analysis.) The Aster Data news story said:

Aster nCluster provides an always-on, always-parallel MPP architecture with the In-Database MapReduce programming framework for business-critical applications. Unlike traditional analytic databases, Aster’s online fault tolerance and hands-free administration allows it to run on low cost, commodity hardware. Aster delivers automated one-click scaling, recovery, backup, restore, and upgrades – enabling enterprises to maintain current staffing levels, even as data sizes multiply each year.

The total funding for the company is now over $20 million. In addition to JAFCO, Sequoia and several other high profile funding sources have supported the company. More information about Aster Data is here.


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