Google Query Volume

January 16, 2009, one of my favorite sources, reported here that Google conducted 5.42 billion search queries in December 2008. Let’s assume that this number is accurate. The table below shows how the alleged query volume breaks down in queries per second. The chart is probably not too interesting to anyone but an addled goose like me, but I find the scaling implications quite interesting. Two search system vendors have asserted to me that their systems are faster than Google’s. To put these vendors’ assertions in context, I use these tables.

174.838,710 queries per day
7,284,946 queries per hour
121,416 queries per minute
2,024 queries per second

I there’s an error in this quick calculation, please, let me know. To support these queries Google is showing more ads and performing other functions as well. My thought is that Google seems to have a reasonably robust system.

Stephen Arnold, January 16, 2009


3 Responses to “Google Query Volume”

  1. Otis Gospodnetic on January 17th, 2009 12:02 am

    2K QPS sounds low for something as big as Google, the web search engine that serves the whole planet…

  2. Leo Querejeta on February 9th, 2009 8:28 pm

    Just about 2500/second in the US, using the numbers provided in this presentation

    Again, in the US.

    Anyway, does someone know how many search queries Google handles, globally?
    I am looking for that number. Wikipedia says 400 million/day but there is no source for this figure.


  3. video converter on May 28th, 2010 9:46 am

    I like it
    thank you

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