Dot Net Caution

January 18, 2009

Here in the mine run off pond, we geese heard a rumor that Windows 7 has no Dot Net code. That sounded good to us. Now comes a disturbing news item on, which if true adds another log to the Dot Net fire. There article “Warning to Developers: A Monkey with Its Eyes Closed Can Disassemble Microsoft .Net” here seems to be a bit harsh. The lead paragraph asserts that Microsoft inhabits its “own reality distortion field.” We thought the RDF was an Apple speciality. The most important part of the article is this snippet:

.Net is great in so many ways but for commercial apps? No way! Anybody can just look at your source code. A high end obfuscation will help a lot but any determined hacker will fix your code in less than a day. I know this from sad experience despite spending $1000s on anti-piracy and obfuscation tools. Unless you wish to make your code ‘open source’ then maybe give .Net a wide birth.

The conclusion to the article is pointed: “If you intend to develop commercial software for Windows Mobile, then forget Dot Net.” The geese will watch for more Dot Net intel to validate or invalidate this point.

Stephen Arnold, January 18, 2009


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