SharePoint How to Code That Shows How Not to code

January 26, 2009

I double checked the links to how to information in Microsoft’s official blog post about SharePoint business intelligence on January 25, 2009, at 7 pm Eastern. Still broken. You may have better luck than I do, but this type of carelessness is what makes me increasingly nervous about SharePoint. The article was “Microsoft Business Intelligence Strategy Update and SharePoint” here. The post asserts that the interesting interactions among SharePoint, PerformancePoint, Excel, and SQL Server are ready for prime time, industrial strength business intelligence. There’s a lot of buzzwords in the write up. My attention went to the links in this paragraph:

More information is available on regarding this announcement; here are some links to specific product capabilities and how-to’s, to help you get started. Now, there is no excuse to start rolling out a complete BI solution, one that you know will be utilized because it uses the technologies you know today, and works with the systems you are already familiar with.

The key link for the Beyond Search goslings was the one that explained to get these often incompatible and mutually unintelligible parts to work. Guess what? The link’s dead. The author Pej Javaheri made one of those all too common Microsoft arabesques: explanations that are not backed in example code. Perhaps the layoffs and financial challenges overrode the need for getting the details in order. If you can locate these how to’s, put the information in the comments section of this Web log.

Stephen Arnold, January 26, 2009


3 Responses to “SharePoint How to Code That Shows How Not to code”

  1. Giovanni on January 26th, 2009 5:06 am


    Found this related performance point training link for fellow readers. Guessing MS is rejigging its performance point stuff after deciding to give it away free over the weekend – only with sharepoint enterprise licenses though!

    Performance Point Training:

    Free Performance Point news –
    Sharepoint licensing costs calculator –

    IMHO Performance Point is sharepoint’s killer app.

    SharePoint developer

  2. Stephen E. Arnold on January 26th, 2009 6:51 pm


    Thanks for doing work that should have been included in the Microsoft Web log post.
    I appreciate your taking time to post the information.

    Stephen Arnold, January 26, 2009

  3. PerformancePoint Server joins Microsoft Sharepoint Server 2007 | Sharepoint Skills - Microsoft Sharepoint 2007 explained on February 24th, 2009 11:45 pm

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