Autonomy Scores PR Coup

February 1, 2009

London’s newspapers are darned entertaining. I immediately turn to page 3 of any paper I find on the tube when I am in the UK. I don’t buy the papers, though. The Times of London ran a beefy article about Autonomy. You can read the story here. The idea is that Autonomy is “at the heart of a new data revolution.” I had a difficult time following the write up. One comment stuck in my mind:

“Information is going to change from fitting to what a computer needs to a computer fitting to how we do stuff,” Lynch said. “If you believe that the world is going to move over to unstructured data you would expect to see that electricity inside almost every piece of software.”

I think I understand. Electricity will be “inside almost every piece of software.” I don’t know if I can forget this phrase.

Stephen Arnold, February 1, 2009


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