Google Blames Itself after It Blames StopBadWare

February 3, 2009

When you are really smart, it is tough to see yourself as any thing other than — well — fault free. Google, according to the UK Telegraph, first blamed for flagging every search result as malware on January 31, 2009. Then Google changed its tune and admitted that its wizards made an error more typical of a first year computer science student than a Googler. You can read the Telegraph’s illuminating story here. A happy quack to Alastair Jamieson and Urmee Khan who wrote “Google Blames Wrong ‘Human Error’ for Stopping Millions from Finding Web Pages”. Ah, the good is able to make errors on a global scale. How reassuring to some competitors. Are you eager to trust this outfit with your enterprise data? This addled goose marvels at hubris of this ilk.

Stephen Arnold, February 3, 2009


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