Microsoft Live Search Enhancements

February 5, 2009

Search Engine Journal has a useful summary of new features in its “Microsoft Adds Instant Answers to IE8 Live Search Box ” here. I like these types of Web log write ups. Saves me time. As I scanned the story three thoughts crossed my mind:

  1. Most of these features emulate operations supported by Google
  2. With traffic an issue for Microsoft’s Web search, features won’t by themselves have sufficient magnetic power to influence significantly usage
  3. Question answering services are experiencing a revival. When humans are involved, costs cannot be easily controlled. Automated question answering systems become more important unless the provider has deep pockets

One final question, “How does Fast ESP benefit or make use of these features?” Different search code bases add cost. Check out Live search here.

Stephen Arnold, February 5, 2009


2 Responses to “Microsoft Live Search Enhancements”

  1. Otis Gospodnetic on February 28th, 2009 3:15 pm

    How many different search code bases does MSFT have?
    Search in MS SQL Server
    Search in SharePoint
    Search in Outlook (I thought it was .Net version of Lucene?)
    Search in FAST ESP
    Search on
    I bet they are all different code bases.

  2. Stephen E. Arnold on March 1st, 2009 1:09 pm


    Good list. Some others include the search functions in XP, Vista, and Windows 7. Powerset semantic functions in Live and one other place. The R&D search functions that pop up on the MSFT R&D sites. The search function in Dynamics. The “flavors” of search in SharePoint. The “flavors” of search in Fast. I made a list in 2006 but grew tired of trying to figure out [a] who was in charge of these different code bases and [b] how these systems differ. I am confident the people pitching the notion that search is simple and stable will have a great list containing the “real” answer.

    Stephen Arnold, March 1, 2009

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