Microsoft Wants Users to Help

February 8, 2009

Google ignores user inputs in many cases. Microsoft, on the other hand, has made available via Softpedia and other news sources a list of emails to which a person can submit notices of abuse or improper content. You can read the story “Microsoft Keeps a Close Eye on Windows Live Servers” here. The article looked like a PR write up, but I had another idea as I thought about this quote in the article:

“Windows Live aims to protect you in these ways: blocking instant messaging spam and inappropriate communications in Windows Live Messenger and providing a means for you to report abuse; filtering incoming e-mail messages in Windows Live Hotmail for spam/junk; scanning attachments you receive, download, and send in Hotmail; scanning comments on Windows Live Spaces for spam; monitoring shared photos for abuse and inappropriate imagery; and providing for issues you want to report directly to our Direct Mail Abuse team,” Cannon stated.

Google’s policy of ignoring some inputs may irritate me at times, but I know that Mother Google is deaf from blandishments from the addled goose in Kentucky. As a result, I don’t bother communicating with Googzilla any longer. It is what it is. Microsoft on the other hand has posted via Softpedia these contact points:

Messenger: Report abuse
Hotmail: Report abuse
Spaces: Report abuse
SkyDrive: Report abuse
Calendar: Report abuse
Events: Report abuse
Groups: Report abuse
People: Report abuse
Profile: Report abuse

What happens when a person with a peculiar sense of humor floods these addresses with reports that may be false? If anyone has any information about the method used to determine if a complaint is accurate or false, let me know. The policy seems to open the door to issues.

Stephen Arnold, February 7, 2009


3 Responses to “Microsoft Wants Users to Help”

  1. Gmail epitomises Microsoft’s innovation failings | James Glick's Blog on February 8th, 2009 4:44 am

    […] Microsoft Wants Users to Help ( […]

  2. Laurence A. Hecker on February 11th, 2009 11:36 am

    More than a week ago I tried to contact you to complain that you had stolen my e-mails (more than 900), but you haven’t responded nor returned my e-mail. Why did you take my e-mails and why haven’t you responded? This issue is far from over. You are really ticking me off.

  3. Stephen E. Arnold on February 11th, 2009 9:54 pm

    Laurence A. Hecker,

    Hmm. Let’s make sure I understand your post: You assert that I, the addled goose, stole * your * email is the assertion. I don’t recall seeing your email to me last week, but I was in Washington DC in a room without windows and no Internet connection due to security measures at this out. I think a bit more information would be useful to me and the Beyond Search goslings. I’ve been using [name] as the primary email for a decade, maybe more? I have a back up account with the Yahooligans because my pals at Iglou have some bad hair days. Laurence A. hecker I’m not trying to “tick” you off. Laurence A. Hecker, sir, you have me puzzled. My CTO seems to be able to walk and chew gum most of the time but he is into security and reasonably obsessive about proper electronic behavior too. I need more fungible substance to help me understand your assertion that I “take … your emails”.

    Stephen Arnold, February 11, 2009

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