Patent Search from Perfect Search
February 10, 2009
The Perfect Search Corp. Google patent search attracted significant traffic on February 9, 2009. If you have not tried the system, navigate to and then open a new window for your browser. You will want to point that new tab or window at Now run the following query in each system: programmable search engine.
Here’s what Google displays to you:
The Google results force me to track down the full patent document to figure out if it is “sort of” what I want.
Run the same query programmable search engine and you get these results:
The and Perfect Search collection makes it easy to decide if a hit is germane. A single click delivers the PDF of the patent document. Everything is clear and within a single interface.
Try these services and run the same query. You will find that you can dig into Google’s technology quickly and without the silly extra steps that other services insist upon. The USPTO search system is here. How about that USPTO search interface? I don’t want to name the vendor who provides this system and I don’t want to call attention to this company’s inability to make a user accessible system. is here. Do you understand the results and how you access the various parts of a patent document? I do, but it takes quite a bit of work.
Notice the differences. First, the abstracts or summary of the patent is more useful because it contains substantive detail. Second, the key words in the query are in bold face, making it easy to spot the terms that were in your query. Third, notice the link to the PDF file. You don’t see fragments of the patent document. You get one click access to the patent document plus the diagrams if any. Fourth, because the Google patent collection includes only Google patent documents, you can easily explore the technical innovations that often “fly under the radar” of the Google watchers who deal with surface issues.
Information about the Perfect Search system is here. You can read an interview with one of the Perfect Search senior engineers, Ken Ebert, here. A happy quack to the Perfect Search team for contributing to this free Google patent document search and full text delivery service. Right now the system includes the Google patent documents that I have been able to identify in the course of my research into Google’s technical infrastructure. I cannot say with certainty that this collection has every Google patent application and granted patent. If you know of a Google patent document, I have overlooked, please, let me know. I am not an attorney and take my advice, “Don’t use this system as your only source of Google patent information.” It’s free and not the whiz bang service that West and Lexis provide for a fee. A hefty fee I might add.
Stephen Arnold, February 10, 2009