Overflight Updated

February 13, 2009

Just a quick note to tell you that the ArnoldIT.com Google Web log newstream service, Overflight, has been updated. We have added the Google Web log about social media and tossed in a handful of other Google blogs. You can access the splash page for the free service here. If you are interested in what’s new from Google as set forth in “official” Google Web logs, you can use this pick list to review content from Google’s own grouping of topic areas:

Combine these sources with general Google yip yap and the new ArnoldIT.com Google patent search service at http://arnoldit.perfectsearchcorp.com/, and you can get a useful triangulation of what Googzilla seems to be doing. These services are offered without charge. I want Cyrus (a Googler who does not read Google’s own technical papers and patent documents), assorted breath mint obsessed pundits, multi-tasking mavens, trophy-generation, azure chip consultants, carpetbaggers, and  ingenuous parvenus to have a shot at Google information from open sources. Quack.

Stephen Arnold, February 13, 2009


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