Attensity’s Newest Partner

February 17, 2009

Attensity is out leveraging its text analytics software. The company just partnered up with enherent whose tagline is “Gather, manage and transform your data and content into timely, secure, actionable intelligence.” Now enherent will be using Attensity’s software to perform the analytics, manage risk, and review customer input on a larger scale. A press release said the idea is to take advantage of new “ideas in a time when business success depends on innovation.” While enherent gets the Attensity’s First Person Intelligence Platform with its vocabularies, analytics and subject matter expertise, Attensity gets exposure to a long list of customers and resources, more expertise in text analytics to advance its skill sets and a higher profile in the industry. Attensity looks like it’s making smart decisions for the future. Keep an eye on them.

Jessica W. Bratcher, February 17, 2009


One Response to “Attensity’s Newest Partner”

  1. Seth Grimes on February 17th, 2009 1:48 pm

    Please note that enherent also partners, for text analytics, with IxReveal and IBM: different software for different opportunities. Let me know directly if you’d like contact information to find out more directly from enherent.

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