GUIDs and Handcrafting Values

February 17, 2009

First, refresh your  memory about SharePoint GUIDs. This is the Microsoft explanation available on MSDN here:

GUIDs are the Microsoft implementation of the distributed computing environment (DCE) universally unique identifier ( UUID). The RPC run-time libraries use UUIDs to check for compatibility between clients and servers and to select among multiple implementations of an interface. The Windows access-control functions use GUIDs to identify the type of object that an object-specific ACE in an access-control list (ACL) protects.

Yep, access control lists. Security. Unique. One of a kind.

Now read this article by Finer Recliner here. For me the most interesting comment was:

I’ve come across an interesting detail concerning the List Template GUIDs used in Microsoft SharePoint 2007. It seems that every List Template has its name hidden inside its GUID!

The screenshots are easy to understand even if you don’t sight read hex.

The thought from Harrod’s Creek: Security. What security?

Stephen Arnold, February 17, 2009


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