DEMO Search Round Up

March 8, 2009

David Needle’s “Search Takes Center Stage at DEMO” here highlights information processing innovations at this conference. The definition of “search” is broad but I found the write up interesting. Mr. Needle highlights a bookmarking service (Xmarks) and a news aggregation service (Ensembli). This aggregation service prompts the user to enter a term. I tried “enterprise search”, so that’s “search”. The results appear to be a string match.


Ensembli output from

Scanning his write up is quicker and less costly than attending this show. Are these services “search”? In my opinion, neither is. Mr. Needle did not mention Evri, a company somewhat closer to the content processing space. Evri, according to my sources, was also at the Evri conference. The word “search” is like my mother’s handbag–a convenient place to put unrelated objects.

Stephen Arnold, March 8, 2009


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