Delver Scooped Up by Sears Holdings

March 10, 2009

The Chicago Tribune, a dead tree outfit, reported on March 10, 2009, “Sears Holdings Corp. Acquires, an Israel-Based Social Search Engine Company”. You can read the story here. There’s a bit of financial tap dancing around the deal. It comes after Google emphasized that it wasn’t interested in grabbing Twitter, one of the hot social search services in the US. What’s Sears’s (the once dominant retail operation) know about social search that Google doesn’t? My hunch is that if Google goes slowly, it might be wise to step back and assess social search if the buyer is not a tech savvy outfit like the GOOG. Who knows? Maybe Sears’s executives know something Google doesn’t? Delver is here. Statsaholic charts comparing Delver and Twitter are here.

Stephen Arnold, March 10, 2009


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