Arnold to Return to Information World Review

March 11, 2009

In the late 1990s, I wrote a series of columns for Information World Review, a print and online publication, published in the United Kingdom. I grew tired with the monthly grind. In a couple of months, I will again submit a column to IWR. I will not recycle either the information in this Web log nor the persona of the addled goose. This is a free Web log of recycled information. The columns will contain original research. I may conclude each column with a comment, but my goal will be to highlight technology or developments of interest to those interested in electronic information and online. I do not write many articles about Microsoft’s online activities, and I may dive into the Redmond doings in the months to come. I am also interested in the new social publishing products like the novels written for mobile phones by some sharp eyed, accurate typing Tokyo residents. Just a note to myself that I have to write a KMWorld column each month and now one for Information World Review. With the vast sums these publishing companies pay me, I think I will buy Tess a new raw hide chew stick. She’s my white rescued boxer. Stone deaf. Her dog hearing aid will have to wait until I strike gold in Harrod’s Creek.

Stephen Arnold, March 11, 2009


2 Responses to “Arnold to Return to Information World Review”

  1. barry on March 11th, 2009 8:30 am

    As another ex column writer for IWR may I wish you ‘good luck’ for your endevours and suggest that in re-entering the fray you are a glutton for punishment.

    Bye, Barry Mahon

  2. Stephen E. Arnold on March 12th, 2009 11:09 am

    Bye, Barry,

    Not a glutton. An addled goose.

    Stephen Arnold, March 12, 2009

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