New York Times: Groping for Cash, Heading for a Crash

March 15, 2009

Here we go again. I read “New York Times Mulls Online Subscription Fee” in Silicon Alley Insider” here. Mr.. Blodget offers some ideas. In than rolling out what did not work before, the Times needs new ideas. The financial crisis has not passed. I am  subscriber, and I see the paper becoming a secondary source for me. I rely on Amazon for book reviews. The stories in the paper turn up in my newsreader 24 hours before my hard copy arrives.  I no longer pay much attention to the magazine section. The wacky design annoys me. Mr.. Blodget was correct when he wrote:

An incremental $50-$75 million a year will buy the company more time to sell assets, restructure its business, and pacify its creditors, but it won’t save the place.  The only way to do that, in our opinion, is to radically cut costs.

Nuclear winter arrives and settles in.

Stephen Arnold, March 15, 2009


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