A Darker Shade of Azure

March 19, 2009

Joe Panettieri’s “Microsoft’s Windows Azure Cloud: Dark for a Day” summarized the outage for Microsoft’s cloud service. You can read the article here. The most interesting comment in the write up was:

But 22 hours of darkness doesn’t inspire peace of mind in cloud systems. And I’m starting to think that Amazon.com — backed by loads of open source applications — is the cloud to beat.

Google has converted Gmail into Gfail. Now Microsoft has stumbled. Maybe Mr. Panettieri’s analysis is dead on?

Stephen Arnold, March 20, 2009


One Response to “A Darker Shade of Azure”

  1. Joe Panettieri on March 19th, 2009 6:29 pm

    Stephen: The ironic part of this story involves independent software vendors (ISVs). During the 1990s, ISVs raced to write for Windows. Today, those ISVs are virtualizing their applications in the Amazon cloud. I hear from new ISVs every day that are deploying in Amazon’s cloud. But the big question remains: Will customers actually adopt apps that live in Amazon’s cloud?

    Joe Panettieri
    Editorial Director
    MSPmentor.net and TheVARguy.com

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