Interwoven: Autonomy IDOL Integration
March 21, 2009
The deal closed one day and the next day Autonomy announced that it had integrated its IDOL (intelligent data operating layer) with Interwoven Teamsite. You can read the story by Ben Pitman here. The integration, said Mr. Pitman, will:
enable a host of additional IDOL functionality within Autonomy Interwoven’s Web Solutions. Customers will benefit from a combination of legacy keyword and advanced conceptual technologies and an order of magnitude increase in performance and scalability over the previous release of TeamSite.
My take on this is a bit different, which is the domain of the addled goose. Forthwith:
- Microsoft bought Fast Search & Transfer in April 2008 and the integration has not yet been completed. Autonomy’s velocity makes clear how serious the company is with regard to leveraging its acquisitions. Microsoft’s progress? I will leave that to you to draw a conclusion.,
- Vivisimo, Interwoven’s search partner, now finds itself under additional pressure. There’s the general marketplace squeeze that affects every company and the Autonomy IDOL squeeze which is quite particular.
You can season my interpretation with your own experience and that of your search consultants to taste.
Stephen Arnold, March 21, 2009