For the Millions of Cloud Computing Ontology Lovers

March 29, 2009

I love ontologies, particularly those created for some of the one day seminars that are available. I love cloud computing analyses, particularly those created by the azure chip consultants who would not walk past, let alone paddle, in the addled goose’s pond. I loved the write up by Kevin Jackson in’s “A Tactical Cloud Computing Ontology.” You must read the article here. Mr. Jackson tackled the job of taming two of the most widely used buzzwords at information technology conferences today–cloud computing and ontology.

He presents several diagrams that put the cloud computing idea into a framework. the diagrams are useful, but they do contain some terms that I am not exactly sure how to define. Nevertheless, the distance between cloud computing and its ontology is narrowed. He outlined three actions and considerations the reader may wish to consider. I can’t quote this complete sequence, but I can identify broadly the ideas:

  1. Merge the cloud and on premises experience so the user doesn’t see much of change
  2. There will be some differences when using the proposed framework
  3. Something I don’t fully understand well enough to summarize: “As a way to organize an enterprise’s body of knowledge (architecture) about its activities (processes), people, and things within a defined context and current/future environment.

I am still thinking about how this framework applies to search across secure and open content sources in a regulated environment with known network bottlenecks. My hunch is that others will be thinking about these issues before embarking on a composite architecture. No harm from thinking either.

Stephen Arnold, March 28, 2009


One Response to “For the Millions of Cloud Computing Ontology Lovers”

  1. Kevin Jackson on April 4th, 2009 11:20 am

    Thank you for your kind words. I’d be happy to discuss further if you’re interested.

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