BoilingPage: What’s Hot among People

April 3, 2009

A happy quack to the reader who alerted me to the real time search service Boiling Page. The company processes Twitter messages, identifies hot Web pages, and presents a constantly updated list of what people are talking about. The company’s Web site said:

At BoilingPage, you will find the most popular (we call them HOT) and interesting Web pages among people. As we all know, people discuss about their favorite Web pages and interesting Web pages in various networks like Twitter, MySpace, Facebook etc. We basically mine these conversations, organize them properly based on which we’ll show you the best and the most popular Web pages among people. More than just displaying hot Web pages, we’ll show recommendations for each hot page that’ll help you discover more interesting Web pages. We’ll also allow you to create your favorite list by clicking ‘Bookmark’ and bring personalized recommendations based on your favorites. The best part is — you don’t have to keep refreshing our Web page to find new updates on a topic; you can simply register a topic as a feed and you’ll start receiving automatic updates by email.

My search for “business intelligence” revealed some useful links. Here’s a screenshot of the first two hits:


In addition to useful real time insights, I liked the company’s API. You can read about them here .

Stephen Arnold, April 3, 2009


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