New Column by Arnold
April 3, 2009
I have reached agreement with the Smart Business Network for a new column. I anticipate that the first one will appear in May 2009. The angle will be the use of social systems for marketing. SBN serves small and mid sized businesses in 19 geographic areas in the United States. I won’t repost my columns in this Web log. I think SBN plans to use the content on its Web site and in its business publications. Social system marketing is now an important service. Since Google has decided to sit on the sidelines, I want to follow the horse race in what looks like a crowded field. I am now doing three for fee columns each month: the KMWorld column about Google, the Information World Review column about real time search, and now the SBN column about online marketing via social networks. I will continue to recycle information for my Web log as well. The columns contain fresh information and are less frisky than the addled goose’s musings in this Web log.
Stephen Arnold, April 3, 2009