The Google: Scores a Big Win
April 15, 2009
The goslings and I have been quite busy at the goose pond today. A happy quack to the reader in the UK who alerted me to’s story “Virgin to Migrate Customers onto Google Mail.” You can read the story here.
Colin Barker wrote:
The company said the rollout will be one of the largest deployments to date of Google Partner Edition Apps, which lets businesses and individual customers use Google’s communication and collaboration applications under their own domain names.
I think this announcement is a big deal. First, Virgin is a high profile company and the top Virgin is an executive who gets quite a bit of attention in major companies. Second, this deal makes clear that it makes financial and technical sense for organizations to get out of the email business. Email has become complex and costly. Organizations like Virgin looked at the facts and made a decision to go with Googzilla. Smart choice. If litigation becomes necessary. The GOOG is in the archiving business too. The company doesn’t call much attention to its Postini-centric solution, but it is there and promises to slash the cost of some discovery actions.
What the Gmail deal means to this addled goose is that the Google Apps initiative is going to find increasingly attractive opportunities. Will Virgin stop at email? My hunch is that Virgin will be an interesting Google customer to watch. I give more detail about what can be done with the Google App Engine in my next column in KMWorld.
So, this is a big deal.
Stephen Arnold, April 15, 2009