Unusual Customers for Microsoft Hotmail

May 3, 2009

Short honk: The Washington Post reported an interesting use and even more intriguing users found Hotmail email reliable and reasonably secure. You must read “Al-Qaida Used Hotmail, Simple Codes in Planning” by Pamela Hess here.  The notion of monitoring email appeals to me, and it is clear that a lack of monitoring seems to have come to light. It is also possible that monitoring was in place and did not work.

Ms. Hess wrote:

Al-Marri sent e-mails to Khalid Sheik Mohammed’s hotmail account _ HOR70@hotmail.com _ addressed to “Muk” and signed “Abdo.” The details of that code were included in an address book found in an al-Qaida safehouse in Pakistan.

Ms. Hess reported that the Hotmail users tried to get Yahoo to work but were not able to achieve the desired function:

Al-Marri initially tried to use a Yahoo e-mail account to contact Mohammed, but it failed to go through. So he switched to Hotmail as well. When al-Marri arrived in the United States, he created five new e-mail accounts to communicate with Mohammed, using the 10-code to send him his cell phone number in Peoria.

The Post included a photo of one of the individuals who used Hotmail for “secret” messages. Interesting. I am thinking about what Ms. Hess reported. The idea that Microsoft worked is fascinating as is the issue with Yahoo Mail.

Stephen Arnold, May 2, 2009


One Response to “Unusual Customers for Microsoft Hotmail”

  1. Gracie Laughton on May 9th, 2009 12:51 pm

    how do I pay for my hotmail which is die(14,95) as you emailed me to tell me you couldn’t take it of my card, and also told me not to reply to that email

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