SharePartXXL Taxonomy Component

May 10, 2009

Some azure chip consultants tout a taxonomy as the spike that will kill the werewolf of information retrieval. A number of vendors have recognized the hunger of organizations with disappointing search systems. I cast an eye over the offerings, and I have visited with developers of these systems. A large number of SharePoint taxonomy solutions exists in the Microsoft ecosystem.

SharePoint Reviews covers quite a few SharePoint add ins. Jeremy Caney does a good job describing a product available from SharePartXXL. You can read “Taxonomy Extension by SharePartXXL Integrates Nicely with MOSS 2007” here. The product snaps into SharePoint and adds taxonomy management functions not included in SharePoint. Mr. Caney points to some shortcomings in the product. In my experience, there are only a few industrial strength taxonomy tools available that provide comprehensive control of term lists. Even fewer are able to generate ANSI standard taxonomies.

You can get information about SharePartXXL’s solutions here. These range in cost from about $1,500 to $3,500.

If you need the horsepower for managing ANSI standard term lists, taxonomies, and controlled vocabularies, you will want to take a look at the products available from Access Innovations here.

Stephen Arnold, May 10, 2009


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