Alpha Cold like Cuil or Hot like Google

May 11, 2009

Adam Ostrow has an excellent write up about the Wolfram Alpha system. He works through the limited examples in a useful way. Compared to the MIT Technology Review analysis, Mr. Ostrow took the pants off MIT’s Alpha reviewer. He gathers screenshots of the mash up and answers the demo Alpha has on offer. For me, the most interesting comment in the article was:

Ultimately, it’s hard to see how Wolfram Alpha could be called either the next Google or the next Cuil. Rather, it seems to have the ambition of making accessible a whole different type of information, that could be quite useful to a significant subset of Internet users. And eventually, that might make it a good compliment, but not a replacement, for today’s leading search engines.

Clip and save this write up for reference.

Stephen Arnold, May 9, 2009


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