Autonomy Scores a PR Coup

May 11, 2009

If you are in the search marketing business, you may want to do a case study of Autonomy. The London Times’s story “It May Seem Confusing but Autonomy Can Help” by Mike Harvey was a master stroke. You can read the full text of the write up here. With headlines going to Google, Microsoft, and Wolfram Alpha, Autonomy’s management has wrested attention from these firms and slapped the attention on its products. The subhead for the article made a case for building an organization’s information framework with Autonomy’s digital building blocks with this statement, “The company’s technology enables customers to decipher information from multiple sources, giving it a world-leading role.” For me, the most interesting comment in the article was:

According to Dr Lynch, Autonomy is leading a revolution in the information technology industry. After 40 years of computers being able to understand only structured information that could be found in the rows and columns of a database, computers armed with Autonomy’s software can understand human-style information, such as phone conversations. That means, Dr Lynch argues, that Autonomy now has the world’s most advanced search engine for businesses, which can help companies to reveal the value in the masses of e-mails, phone calls and videos that form the majority of ways in which staff communicate with each other.

I think it will be interesting to see how its competitors respond. Oh, the article includes a biographical profile of Sir Michael Lynch. Not even Messrs. Brin and Page rate that type of coverage.

Stephen Arnold, May 11, 2009


One Response to “Autonomy Scores a PR Coup”

  1. barry on May 12th, 2009 2:45 am

    re Autonomy, I have yet to see an independent review of the effectiveness of the software, have you?

    I wonder if the example of the murder investigion is real or imaginary?

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