SAP Data Warehouse Search

May 14, 2009

Application Development Trends reported here that SAP has rolled out a new datawarehouse search tool. the product is called Business Objects Explorer, and it seems to allow simplified queries so that end users can get reports without having to involve a Business Objects programming wizard. The story “SAP Launches Data Warehouse Search Tool” said:

Explorer evolved from a Business Objects-developed tool called Polestar, released in late 2007, which lets individuals conduct searches against data in the SAP Business Objects XI 3.1 BI platform. Using a Web-based interface, SAP officials said Explorer will now let any user, regardless of their knowledge of BI, query SAP’s NetWeaver Business Warehouse Accelerator (BWA), the company’s tooling for creating data warehouses.

Nary a word about Inxight, the content processing company Business Objects acquired, nor about any other SAP search initiatives. Poor TREX. Is he orphaned? Endeca and its business intelligence capability? Silence. Will Flash plug ins deliver what Business Objects’ users want? User experience seems to be the way to deliver industrial strength search.

Stephen Arnold, May 14, 2009


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