SharePoint Search to Get Facets

May 18, 2009

The facetization of SharePoint may become a reality. I found the article “New Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Details Start to Emerge” here interesting. The eye candy means nothing to me. For me, this comment caught my attention:

There’s a new feature, known as “faceted search” coming in the 2010 SharePoint release. No details available yet.

The next item I found suggestive was:

A new version of FAST Search for SharePoint will be made available at a lower cost. Meanwhile, according to contractor and SharePoint blogger Lars Fastrup (whose blog entry is the source of a lot of this post), “the SharePoint team have scrapped their efforts to make the SharePoint search engine scale beyond 50 million documents in a single index. The argument will be to move to the FAST search engine instead.”

My hunch is that whatever Fast Search & Transfer becomes, Microsoft wants to create a Google and Endeca killer at one go. Will search be bundled? Odds are tough to call, but I think the predators will be out and about when pricing is discussed. Will this revamped system work? Does Fast Search ESP work now? UX or user experience is the big deal according to the Microsoft collateral I have reviewed. So what’s “work” mean? Clearly SharePoint’s existing search solution doesn’t work when the collection numbers more than 50 million documents. Surprised?

Stephen Arnold, May 18, 2009


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