Data Tables Contain Deleted Data. Yikes. Revelation.

May 21, 2009

it was spies on Facebook. Then it was the LA Times’s spoofed via a year old Prop 8 story. Now – news flash – the issue is privacy on social networking sites. Yikes. What a scoop? Sky News in the UK published “Fears over Privacy on Social Networking Sites” here. The intrepid news hounds at Sky News reported:

Researchers from the University of Cambridge say that many social networking sites maintain copies of user photos even after users delete them.

I wonder if the wizards in the groves of academe figured out that quite a bit of other information and data lurk on these sites. In fact, unless the indexes have been rebuilt, my hunch is that my team could find some interesting stuff not searchable but available to those poking around with forensic savvy.

I am waiting for one of these intrepid reporters to define “delete” and “remove”.

Stephen Arnold, May 22, 2009


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