Business Embraces Twitter. Shock and Awe

June 2, 2009 posted a surprising bit of information on May 29, 2009. You will want to navigate here and read “Business People Say Twitter More Important than LinkedIn”. The addled goose found the information interesting. Mr. Kirkpatrick wrote:

A month-long poll conducted on business social network LinkedIn has uncovered some fascinating numbers concerning social media platforms and brand presence. The biggest surprise was that Twitter was deemed more important to brands than LinkedIn, and the poll was performed on LinkedIn.

The addled goose gets it. When this post is published, it’s Tweeted. The addled goose studiously ignores blandishments of LinkedIn. Too much malarkey and not enough thick, chunky substance.

Stephen Arnold, May 31, 2009


One Response to “Business Embraces Twitter. Shock and Awe”

  1. Happy 4th Birthday! – How Far Have We Come? « NetWorks! Boise on June 8th, 2009 12:16 pm

    […] Business Embraces Twitter. Shock and Awe ( […]

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