Yahoo Signals a Turn Inward

June 8, 2009

The Times of Oman reported here that Yahoo wants to build traffic and may not need a life saver from Redmond to thrive. “Yahoo! Doesn’t Need Microsoft Deal: CEO” reported:

“Yahoo! doesn’t have to do anything with Microsoft about anything,” Bartz said at a conference here of technology analysts. “Yahoo! actually has a bright, bright future, probably cleaner and simpler future without thinking there’s any Microsoft connection,” she said. “We’d be better off if we’d never heard the word Microsoft. “Forget about the Microsoft stuff, it’s honestly not that relevant,” she said.

With the release of and the PR blitz, Microsoft may want to paddle up the search rapids without the Yahoo technical anchor snagging rocks and limbs. On the other hand, Yahoo is long in the tooth. Search is so-so, but until what were the alternatives? My thought is that one should not spurn money when the costs of the present operation threaten to be tough to control.

Negotiating ploy or bold new vision? Clarity by the end of the year in my opinion.

Stephen Arnold, June 7, 2009


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