Google and a Brace of Compliance-Related Methods

June 12, 2009

If you navigate to my Google patent collection in the Perfect Search demonstration, you can poke around for various digital fingerprinting methods, filtering, and content identification systems. The GOOG has been working hard to find bulletproof, speedy, and efficient ways to identify content that may get Googzilla in hot water with copyright owners.

I paid attention when I saw two patent documents come across the lily pad I use for a desk here in the goose pond. What’s notable about each is that the inventors overlap. Names that jumped out at me included Franck Chastagnol, Vijay Karunamurthy, and Chris Maxcy, among others. The other notable feature was that both documents were about doing “stuff” to understand and perform actions on video files.

The two patent documents of interest are:

  • 20090144325, “Blocking of Unlicensed Audio Content in Video Files on a Video Hosting Website”
  • 20090144326, “Site Directed Management of Audio Components of Uploaded Video Files”

You can get copies of these documents from the user-friendly, highly-intuitive USPTO Web site here. Please, read the syntax examples; otherwise, no go, folks.

These documents strike me as important for several reasons:

  • Both were filed on the same day, a sign of importance to this addled goose
  • Both pertain to copyright related functions performed by software, not humans
  • Both move the GOOG’s capabilities forward with more clever and what appear to me efficient methods.

The Google is trying to be a good Googzilla in my opinion. Keep in mind that I am not an attorney, so check with your friendly patent attorney about the validity of the systems and methods disclosed in these two documents.

Stephen Arnold, June 12, 2009


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