Overflight on Treatment Centers

June 16, 2009

The Overflight intelligence service provides drug rehabilitation information for Treatment Centers. Treatment Centers is an information service for health care providers and families looking for actionable information about a dependency condition. The new service provides access to selected information from the Treatment Centers database as well as information that is refreshed in real time from a range of sources. Included is information from Web logs, major news services, and Twitter. Stephen E. Arnold, provider of the Overflight service, said:

The Twitter information was a surprise. We ran several tests and found that Twitter messages provided useful links as well as specific recommendations about what resources were found to be useful. The Twitter information is filtered, eliminating the need to run key word queries, so real time content is available without the need to visit the search box. The combination of original information from the Treatment Center professionals and the real time information creates a useful resource available with a single mouse click.

There is no charge for the service at http://www.treatment-centers.net/drug-rehab.html. If you want an Overflight service for your Web site, write seaky2000 at yahoo dot com and put “Overflight” in the subject field. Users find auto generated reports useful because information is available at a glance without the need to create a key word query to unlock the needed information.

Stuart Schram IV, June 16, 2009


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