Semi Social Collaboration Wins Some Fans

June 16, 2009

Wikipedia is a useful service. There is some disinformation in its listings, but I find it helpful for certain types of information. The US government looked upon Wikipedia and realized that the same approach might have utility for the intelligence community. Thus was born Intellipedia. A news story that appeared on one of my Google centric tools pointed me to this story: “CIA Adopting Web 2.0 Tools Despite Resistance”. For me, the operative words were “some resistance”.

I am writing this in Washington after a couple of meetings that reminded me that silos exist and still being constructed.
The notion of a semi collaborative system has utility. I can’t provide details of my meetings or the parties involved, but I can say, “Silos big and small remain.” Some military social events just aren’t like a frat party or a neighborhood BBQ. Probably never will be and probably a good thing.

Stephen Arnold, June 16, 2009


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