The Future of Search: Capturing Paper and Digital Records

June 18, 2009

Short honk: I read Pharmaceutical Business Review’s “Autonomy GCB to Safely Capture, Manage Patients Records”. (The split infinitive and the possessive error are not mine, folks.) The point of the article is that Autonomy has landed a big contract with Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services.” What strikes me as interesting is that Brainware, ZyLAB, and now Autonomy are starting to look a great deal like the original Excalibur Technologies’ business of a decade ago. Sure, there are some differences, but I think that this end-to-end content processing service is bringing search back to its roots. I am not sure of the ramifications of this “blast from the past” approach to information, but I wanted to note my observation about this retrenchment or rediscovery of the roots of information management as a process within an organization’s work flows.

Stephen Arnold, June 17, 2009


One Response to “The Future of Search: Capturing Paper and Digital Records”

  1. John A Morrison on June 18th, 2009 11:06 pm

    This is a really important observation in my view

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