WSJ: Now Upgraded to Viagra Class Spammer

July 1, 2009

Short honk: Yep, 7 56 am the Wall Street Journal began spamming me to become a subscriber. Well, the newspaper achieved one objective. I have suspended my Wall Street Journal subscription. I did enjoy this type of information about the proud, oh, so proud New Jersey publication. I wrote. I called customer support. I posted two previous stories about this company’s spamming of existing customers. Now there is one less customer and my legal eagle is writing the consumer complaint entities in the great state of New Jersey and the Commonwealth of Kentucky. One person asked me not to describe newspapers as the “dead tree” crowd. Sorry. When a paying customer gets spammed, not only is the organization a fully fledged dead tree publisher, it has achieved the rank of Viagra class spammer. As an observer, I can be critical. As a customer, I can be miffed. The spammer—Rupert, are you listening?—has lost one real, live, paying customer. How many more will your silly marketing methods drive away. Oh, I know. The Wall Street Journal is too important, too big to fail. Gee, I hear an echo.

Stephen Arnold, July 1, 2009


2 Responses to “WSJ: Now Upgraded to Viagra Class Spammer”

  1. Ella on July 19th, 2009 9:21 pm

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  2. Stephen E. Arnold on July 24th, 2009 8:51 pm


    That is a fine ascii editor you use.

    Stephen Arnold, July 24, 2009

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