Lexalytics, Endeca and a Missing Search Box

July 5, 2009

I noted on the Lexalytics Web site a new design. I still lament the lack of a search box on the main page. I find that having to click and fumble is not as helpful as having a search system available to visitors. What makes it more unusual is that on the site I located this item, “Text Analytics – Enterprise Search”. The article explains that Lexalytics and Endeca have a business relationship. I also noticed that Lexalytics is a partner with Microsoft Fast. I wonder if either Endeca or Microsoft might gain from indexing the Lexalytics’ Web site and making a search function available. Google’s custom search engine is also available. The absence of a search box is:

  1. An oversight which is not positive for a company in the search and content processing business
  2. A business decision which makes me as a user do extra work
  3. Political because Lexalytics’ management can’t decide which of the partners’ systems to feature
  4. Something the addled goose is not sufficiently alert to discern.

I hope the search box makes an appearance soon. The big “add you email box” fooled me until I looked closely.

Stephen Arnold, July 5, 2009


2 Responses to “Lexalytics, Endeca and a Missing Search Box”

  1. Make Money At Home Easy Home Business | Online Business Opportunity on July 5th, 2009 10:59 pm

    […] Lexalytics, Endeca and a Missing Search Box (arnoldit.com) […]

  2. Christine Sierra on July 6th, 2009 8:13 am

    Thanks for your observation Stephen. You are absolutely correct that our new hosting partner does not offer site wide search as part of the CMS selections, but it is something that I could work on implementing out of the marketing department, as I own our corporate site.

    Christine Sierra

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