Tweetmeme for Business

July 6, 2009

Tweetmeme is a real-time search engine provided by Twitter that gathers all links posted on Twitter and determines which are the most popular and categorizes them on the front page. Readers can easily subscribe to each of the available categories, gaining access to the most popular, up-to-the-minute content through their Twitter account.

Twitter and its tools are the latest rage in Social Networking and business should be taking full advantage of what they can offer. If your business posts a blog, Tweetmeme provides the freshest, most relevant topics to be used as inspiration for the blog posts. Business can also use Tweetmeme’s service to send out time-sensitive information to large groups of customers or prospects, such as a real estate agent using Tweetmeme to create a stream of relevant information for their blog or site.

Read more about what Tweetmeme can do for your business:

Melanie Van Nuys, July 6, 2009


One Response to “Tweetmeme for Business”

  1. SEOButt on July 6th, 2009 7:27 am

    Very cool…reminds me of Topsy.

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