Relegence Relegated

July 25, 2009

B to B Online ran an interesting story with the headline “AOL Shuts Down B-to-B Portion of Relegence”. I liked Relegence’s real time news service. AOL sort of likes it. According to B to B Online:

“We will continue to own and operate the Relegence business, focusing solely on its consumer offering by leveraging its real-time headlines, news, financial and consumer information on MediaGlow sites such as AOL Money & Finance and WalletPop, in addition to implementing Relegence across the AOL network of sites,” an AOL spokesperson said in a statement.

Looks like some shake and bake is in the future of the Relegence team. The Google will have to look for a replacement for some of Relegence’s services that are linked to Google Finance.

Stephen Arnold, July 25, 2009


One Response to “Relegence Relegated”

  1. Ian on July 27th, 2009 7:32 pm

    check out the latest project to make use of relegence.

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