IBM and Social Graphs of Mobile Callers
August 2, 2009
Slashdot’s article “IBM Uses Call-Detail Records To Identify “Friends” tickled my memory. First, you will want to read the technical paper “Social Ties and Their Relevance to Churn in Mobile Telecom Networks” which is a Portable Document Format file. Next navigate to i2, now a unit of Silver Lake Sumeru I recall hearing. As you browse through the i2 site, do you see indications that the Analyst’s Notebook permits similar “friend identification.” I have also seen other tools that can process a range of data and generate relationship maps and graphs. The comment that interested me in the Slashdot item was:
IBM claims its patent-pending snooping software can now identify circles of ‘friends’ who tend to exhibit the same profit-threatening behavior. ‘We believe that our analysis is a first of its kind that exploits the underlying social network in a telecom call graph,’ boasted a team of IBM researchers and a UMD prof.
It will be interesting to see if IBM’s approach conflicts with other patents. I wonder if i2 and the other companies in the i2 market sector will push back on IBM’s claims for its technology. i2 has been around for a number of years, and in its early days was the bright eyed lad for some UK intelligence operations.
Stephen Arnold, August 2, 2009