Wave Ripples
August 3, 2009
Ars Technica recently reported that Google revealed a couple sets of source code from Wave, the company’s new collaborative messaging platform (Check out the code at http://code.google.com/p/wave-protocol/wiki/Installation). The article is at http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2009/07/google-releases-wave-protocol-implementation-source-code.ars. While the code manipulation concepts are all very tehcnical, to the layman like me, Wave looks like a souped-up version of Google Docs where changes from multiple users apply visibly in real time. The code is available by Apache license, so third-party developers will be able to adapt Wave to new products. If the GOOG continues its course, it could become a major supplier of open source code, even further solidifying its dominant presence online. With Wave starting to roil the open source waters, Google may be looking to expands its reach into new oceans of data manipulation that could prove very useful to businesses and individuals alike.
Jessica Bratcher, August 3, 2009