How to Build a Catamaran, Not an Aircraft Carrier

August 5, 2009

I have been thinking about the “aircraft carrier” metaphor I used to describe Microsoft. Aircraft carriers are good at many nautical tasks. Aircraft carriers, however, may not work in certain situations. What would I do if I were building an online service with content processing, search, and discovery functions? Part of the answer was in a link sent to me by one of my two or three readers: “Building a Data Intensive Web Application with Cloudera, Hadoop, Hive, Pig, and EC2”. The Web page is a tutorial. My only concern is that the Amazon technology is used for some of the plumbing. The Orwell incident gives me pause. High handed actions taken without the type of communications I expect would make me look for an alternative cloud solution. (Hurry, gentle Google, hurry, and release your Amazon killer). The difference between the old style aircraft carrier approach to online services and the method in this tutorial is significant. I think that Cloudera presented a useful chunk of information.

Stephen Arnold, August 6, 2009


One Response to “How to Build a Catamaran, Not an Aircraft Carrier”

  1. cole skinner on October 1st, 2009 10:01 am

    this is a nigger site fuck u u zipper heads

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