Google Pushes over the Book Shelves

August 17, 2009

If there is one thing I admire about Google, it is the company’s craftiness. Craftiness is not a negative. I refer to the art of execution, a skill in doing what is needed to advance the company’s interests and achieving its goals with little effort. A good example is “Bringing the Power of Creative Commons to Google Books.” If I were a traditional publisher, the Google announcement will not make much sense. “Real” authors have agents and understand the New York publishing game. However, the individuals who want to create material and get it distributed by the Google now have a way to achieve this goal. I explain some of the tools Google has at its disposal in my Google: The Digital Gutenberg. You can find a link in the ad at the top of this Web log’s splash page. I heard about this program and I comment about Google’s platform as a new type of text and rich media “River Rouge”. What will interest me is watching to see which publishers understand that the math club has put a cow on top of the building where the writing and journalism faculties have their offices. How will publishers top creative commons content available via the Google with few financial burdens placed on authors, students,  or Internet users with an interest in longer form content? The third quarter is now beginning. Google kicks off. Publishers receive.

Stephen Arnold, August 14, 2009


One Response to “Google Pushes over the Book Shelves”

  1. What I’ve learnt from running a Wordpress site | Knowledge Workers on August 20th, 2009 10:35 pm

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