Yahoo BOSS to Push Around Bing

August 20, 2009

Quite a headline this: “Yahoo BOSS Might Be Bigger Than Bing”. Eric Schonfeld reported that Yahoo’s Build Your Own Search engine racked up:

At 30 million queries a day, that comes out to about 900 million queries a month, which would make Yahoo BOSS the fourth largest search engine in the U.S. with about a 6 percent share. That is just below the 9 percent share (and 1.2 billion queries a month) comScore estimates for Bing.

The article provides data galore and a number of useful links. My question: “With this type of success how will Yahoo leverage this advantage?” If the Microsoft Yahoo deal is approved, will BOSS push Bing around or will Microsoft shunt BOSS aside with a lateral arabesque?

Stephen Arnold, August 21, 2009


2 Responses to “Yahoo BOSS to Push Around Bing”

  1. Ramana Rao on August 20th, 2009 9:11 am

    good question, and I love to hear the answer too

    “lateral arabesque” … haven’t heard that one for a while. That’s what we used to call it when a bigco VP got shoved aside after not achieving into an apparently equiv level role

  2. Watch that Request Length | BOSS Hacks - an unofficial Yahoo! BOSS blog on December 14th, 2009 7:37 pm

    […] Yahoo BOSS to Push Around Bing ( […]

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