Google and Nokia: Two Mobile Flotillas to Sink

August 28, 2009

I have been involved in meetings where Google is a search engine and Microsoft is a vendor of Word software. Imagine my surprise when I surfaced this evening to read “Little Can Save Google and Nokia from Mobile Failure”. The write up is another spin on the Slate article that asserts that Google and Nokia will fail and fail big in the mobile sector. I am not certain that I am prepared to accept anyone’s fortune telling about mobile. Mobile is a complicated beastie, and it is going to get more complicated before the dust settles. What I find interesting is that Apple has emerged as the innovator in the mobile space. I am not certain that Apple itself anticipated the unintended consequences of morphing the iPod into the iPhone. The App store problems are the tip of the ice berg in my opinion. There are some wild cards not well scoped in hot markets. Africa comes to mind. The notion that mobile devices will remain candy bars in size and shape is off base. In my meetings today, the discussion focused on implants. If the implant crowd wins, the mobile device becomes a different type of system. The likely winner will be the company with the network services that make these new types of devices useful to their users. There is nothing like a write up that nukes both Google and Nokia (ties to Microsoft included). The only problem is that if the folks writing these articles knew the future, these pundits would be enjoying the wealth their super powers delivered. Since the folks are writing, I conclude that their ability to prognosticate is not firing on all cylinders.

Stephen Arnold, August 27, 2009


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