Dorthy: Achievement Service Search

September 7, 2009

“What is your dream? What is your passion? What is your desire?” So asks new search site It’s calling itself an “achievement service” and works by continuously filtering content, including social features, rather than depending on straight-line searches. You start with a statement that answers the above questions (Example: Vacation at Disney World). Dorthy generates a “dream page” that organizes articles, videos, photos, blogs, recommended RSS feeds, and even Tweets. Your search results are cross-referenced with other peoples’ to expand information access. You can even “like” items and interests, similar to the Facebook function.

Right now the service struck me as somewhat fragmented, but it is an alpha, available at You’ll need to spend quite a bit of time with it to find connections. It will need to find traction among a significant user population to succeed or get notice of the search world at large, and as big as Twitter and Facebook are. Will Dorthy reach the land of Oz? Who saw Facebook coming a couple of years ago? We’ll have to wait and see.

Jessica Bratcher, September 7, 2009


One Response to “Dorthy: Achievement Service Search”

  1. Karim on September 16th, 2009 5:34 am

    Very thoughtfull post on achievements. It should be very much helpfull

    Karim – Positive thinking

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