Dust Up between Libraries and Publishers Possible

October 16, 2009

The New York Times reported that some libraries are lending digital books. You will want to read the original article “Libraries and Readers Wade Into Digital Lending” yourself. For me the most important statement in the write up was:

Publishers, inevitably, are nervous about allowing too much of their intellectual property to be offered free. Brian Murray, the chief executive of HarperCollins Publishers Worldwide, said Ms. Smith’s proposal was “not a sustainable model for publishers or authors.”

I am intrigued that Microsoft and Yahoo pulled out of the digital book game. Google faces tough sledding but a compromise seems to be possible. Even government national libraries are slow to the starting line.

The world’s traditional book foundations seem to be under increasing stress. Exciting. The business model of libraries is about to collide with the business model of publishers. After centuries of living in harmony, friction seems to be increasing.

Stephen Arnold, October 17, 2009


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