Youth, the Web, and the Coming Work Process Upheaval

October 17, 2009

The BBC reported that 75 percent of young people in a survey sample cannot live without access to the Web. “Youth ‘Cannot Live’ without Web” included this comment, which I found interesting:

Probably the middle-aged are the most vulnerable,” said Open University psychologist Graham Jones. “I think children, teenagers and people under their mid-20s have grown up with technology and they understand it deeply,” he said.

As young people move into the work force, these individuals will bring different views, behaviors, and work methods. Established institutions face significant external pressures from financial, regulatory, competitive and technical externalities. Now virtually any organization adding young staff will find internal pressures increasing when new work methods collide with established work processes. This is not flattening or converging. This is a significant reshaping of the way certain types of work will be performed. Just my opinion.

Stephen Arnold, October 17, 2009


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